Ellie Lyons
Technology is having a negative impact on all students at Del Val.
Modern technology has overtaken the school environment and it should be banned at Del Val.
One of the prime issues new technology has inflicted on students is the use of search engines. If students want to learn new information, they will often rely on sites such as Google to find things, instead of asking their teacher or looking it up in a book. This can lead to issues such as students learning t00 much or not knowing how to properly use a book.
The worst part about the rise of search engines is that they are becoming more advance and tailored for higher learning. Newer sites such as JSTOR and Google Scholar provide students access to higher levels of resources which they should not be allowed access to.
There are other negatives to modern technology besides students being able to learn too much information. Another issue is that students are not using physical books.
With students switching to digital resources, it has made physical copies appear pointless. Many students argue that the textbooks provided by the school are old and outdated compared to the resources they can find online. However, they are wrong.
Although the books are not always as current, the information is of better quality. When people make the argument of textbooks being out of date, they forget to keep in mind that it does not really matter how old they are, because the information would not change. When was the last time a subject, like science, changed?
To remedy these issues, Del Val should place a school-wide ban on items such as iPhones, iPads and laptops to ensure that students learn in the best possible way.