Abbey Bivona
The month of April has been deemed unhealthy for the world and has now been cancelled.
It has been officially decided that the month of April is no longer going to be a part of the yearly calendar.
April has been long considered a bad month for its frequent rainy days and how long the month is in general. April Fools Day is also noted as a highly dangerous and life-threatening holiday as pranks have been taken too far in the past, causing harm to the public.
So, after lots of debating, the world has agreed to formally eliminate April from the calendar.
There will now be an 11 month calendar, which provides an incredible amount of positive effects. With one less month to the calendar, the school year will be shortened across the globe, and no one has to dread experiencing the gloomy month of April. Studies have predicted that without this month there will be an increased feeling of happiness for the people.
There will also be an increased amount of safety, as there will be fewer (if any) dangerous pranks happening. Sure, these pranks may seem to be fun, but ultimately they can cause serious physical and psychological damage to the person experiencing the prank.
However, a serious question has been brought to attention. “What will happen to the birthdays in April?” Time will tell.