Getting to know Mr. Miklosey
Mr. Miklosey, a history teacher, recently spoke to The Delphi about his experiences at Del Val.
Miklosey spoke about a range of topics, from his childhood to where he would most like to travel to. Miklosey started off his teaching career seven years ago by substitute teaching at Kingwood School, but after one year, he moved up to substituting here at Del Val. “That’s when I kinda knew I wanted to start teaching” Miklosey said.
His students can recall him mentioning that he grew up in the Del Val area, but they may not know he was born in South Jersey. “I was born in Camden, New Jersey. So, very big difference, corn field in my backyard as opposed to walking two seconds with my closest friends right around the corner,” Miklosey said.
Most students at Del Val can’t wait to leave, but one of Miklosey’s favorite childhood memories is moving here. “I moved here when I was eight or nine, and I was scared to death. And I finally got here and I remember my third grade teacher at Kingwood, she made it a very smooth transition. I think coming here, changed my life,” Miklosey said.
Mr. Miklosey wasn’t shocked to find himself teaching at his old high school. “I like the area, all of my friends are still here, my wife’s parents are still here, mine are still here. So I kinda wanted to stay in the area,” Miklosey said.
Since he’s teaching at his alma mater, he knows of some of the ways the school has changed over time. “The biggest change since I was here is definitely the administration. Mrs. Olcott was my English teacher and everyone else is gone. Some of the teachers are still here, like Mrs. Coles was my teacher. The administration has definitely changed a lot, in a good way,” he said.
Miklosey also spoke about his life outside of Del Val’s walls. If he could go anywhere in the world, Miklosey said “Maybe somewhere like Rome or Greece. With the history that is far beyond what our history is. It’s thousands of years old while America is only a few hundred years old,” Miklosey said.
Not only is Mr. Miklosey a history teacher, but he’s also a soccer and baseball coach. He grew up playing both of them, too. “I did play them, and basketball. I played them here for some of the coaches that are still here,” Miklosey said.
When in high school, students hear that they won’t keep in touch with many high school friends after graduation, but that’s not the case for Mr. Miklosey. “I’m still friends with most of my buddies from high school, which, from my experience, doesn’t happen very often,” Miklosey said.

Molly Boetsch is a senior at Del Val, and she is very excited to be a part of the school’s newspaper this year. This is her third year taking a journalism...