The Delaware Valley Regional High School Board of Education has 4 seats available on Nov. 2. (Brian Smith)
The Delaware Valley Regional High School Board of Education has 4 seats available on Nov. 2.

Brian Smith

Meet the 2021 Board of Education candidates

October 28, 2021

On Nov. 2, the state of New Jersey is holding elections for various offices, including the Del Val Board of Education. Unlike previous elections, all available BOE seats are being contested this year. 

In the running for the Holland Township seat are Melanie Campbell and Patrick Mancini.

Running for the Alexandria Township seat are Deborah Culberson and Jon Lyman.

In Kingwood Township, two seats are available in two separate elections.  The first is Debora Frank against JoAnne Oldenburg, and the second is Lynda DeFrancesco against Anna Gaspari.

The Delphi asked the Candidates 10 questions regarding their thoughts on being part of the next school board. These questions cover topics such as controversial issues, budget plans, COVID-19, improvements to the schools, the arts, athletics, personal motivations for running in the election and the future of Delaware Valley Regional High School.

Below are the responses to these questions from each candidate. Read ahead to learn more about each one, and be sure to place your votes on Nov. 2, 2021.

Melaine Campbell – Holland, Deborah Culberson – Alexandria, Anna Gaspari – Kingwood, JoAnne Oldenburg – Kingwood

Brian Smith

(Clockwise from top left) Campbell: Holland, Culberson: Alexandria, Oldenburg: Kingwood, Gaspari: Kingwood

Below, please find joint responses to The Delphi’s 10 questions which were submitted on behalf of the four above-mentioned candidates:

On Nov. 2, 2021, Melaine Campbell from Holland Township, Deborah Culberson from Alexandria Township, JoAnne Oldenburg from Kingwood Township and Anna Gaspari from Kingwood Township are all running for seats on the Board of Education.

The Candidates believe that “controversial issues” are any topics that provoke intense emotion within a community. Together, they hope to create the healthiest classroom environment possible.

“The classroom must be a place in which students are free to air their beliefs without fear of being shouted down by any students or adults,” the Candidates said. 

The Candidates agree that the administration should also prioritize the best quality school environment; this can be achieved by attracting and retaining successful teachers, improving every student’s safety and creating programs and maintenance projects to improve ventilation. Also mentioned was the possibility of needing to cut underutilized programs, personnel and operations. The Candidates admit that many of the ideas that they put forth take time.

Specifics will be determined after a thorough review of the budget and benchmarking with other schools,” the Candidates said.

Zeroing in on one of the most important issues any school board faces, the Candidates discussed how they might increase state funding. Since DVRHS is not an Abbott school district, Del Val has seen its state funding decrease over the past few years.

“Last school year, state aid to DVRHS decreased by 15.4%, more than $500,000,” said the Candidates.

Other possible areas to save money included looking into combining the Superintendent and Principal positions after their retirements.

“Streamlining may be possible since the Superintendent uses part of her time to act as the Superintendent of the Frenchtown School,” the Candidates said.

The Candidates agree that virtual learning is important but doesn’t compare to in-person learning, and they are thankful that the school stayed open for the special needs students during the pandemic. Post-COVID, the Candidates are concerned for teenage mental health and the general value of virtual learning.

The group asserts that virtual lessons shouldn’t be used every week, unless under certain harsh weather circumstances.

“The pandemic taught us that we have the capability of continuing to educate students outside of the brick-and-mortar school building when appropriate,” said the Candidates.

When it comes to new ways to engage students, the Candidates think that implementing more hands-on projects will enhance problem solving skills, whether they be in the classroom or as a community. The Candidates would ask for a program which allows members of the community who have leadership positions to help mentor students, which would hopefully lead to internships. 

In the classroom, teachers would be encouraged to reach out to people who specialize in their subject areas.

“For example, chemistry teachers might consider inviting a forensic crime scene investigator to the classroom one month, and the next month invite a welder who performs a demonstration to explain the basics of metallurgy. Knowledge comes alive when it is taught in a hands-on fashion,” said the Candidates. 

To further expand Del Val’s use of technology, the Candidates agree the students’ learning experience could benefit from adding new, up-to-date technology, such as the use of virtual reality and artificial intelligence. The Candidates believe hands-on learning helps students retain knowledge.

The Candidates find that improving Del Val’s ranking across the board is important; when compared to surrounding high schools, DVRHS falls behind.

“Working on our ranking is important since attending a higher-ranked high school will improve the students’ chances of being admitted to a selective college,” the Candidates said.

The Candidates believe that Del Val would not be the same without the arts and sports. Especially during this pandemic, these activities have provided an outlet for students to safely learn necessary skills for life and to practice activities that increase their physical and emotional well-being.

“Significantly, athletics support success in school as teachers and coaches stress the importance of academics,” said the Candidates.

Concerning the arts, the candidates said, “Research has shown that Arts education is closely linked to academic achievement, social and emotional development, civic engagement and equitable opportunity.”

Del Val is special, and the Candidates think that fact can be attributed to how well the sending districts work together to better the community. From school spirit to helping each other out during the pandemic and recent flood, the community is always ready to do the right thing.

“[Community support] builds a strong foundation for our children on which to build their lives and contribute to the communities of the future,” said the Candidates.

The Candidates believe that in order to continue Del Val’s legacy as being “Future Ready,” the school must further prepare students for college or another career path by taking notes from experts.

Doing so includes addressing “the program’s gears and pathways as suggested by experts:” Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment; Personalized Professional Learning; Robust Infrastructure; Data and Privacy; Community Partnerships; Budget and Resources; and Use of Space and Time.

The Candidates are motivated to run for Del Val’s Board of Education because they believe that the experience they have gained from their jobs bring a new viewpoint to the Board. To see more information on the Candidates’ backgrounds, please view their website here.

With their positions on the Board, the Candidates would make sure students are able to express their opinions without being ridiculed, that they would be intellectually challenged and that they would be set up for the future they want to pursue.

“We would be reasonable, collaborative members of the board, representing community interests,” the Candidates said.

If you agree with these ideas and wish to support any of these candidates, make sure to vote on Nov. 2.

Lynda DeFrancesco: Kingwood

Lynda DeFrancesco is a current BOE member who represents Kingwood Township.

Lynda DeFrancesco

Lynda DeFrancesco is a current BOE member who represents Kingwood Township.

Lynda DeFrancesco is a current Board of Education representative, running for re-election in Kingwood Township.

Regarding “controversial” issues related to teaching and learning in the classroom, DeFrancesco believes talking about controversial issues can help students understand all sides of a topic. She also believes that it’s important for students to discuss those issues.

When exploring controversial issues, students have the opportunity to learn about real life topics, and they can begin to understand different perspectives. Students also gain opportunities to share ideas, listen carefully to one another, and practice being open and respectful,” DeFrancesco said. 

DeFrancesco feels that the school’s top budget priority is “balancing” the money that the school is allotted. 

“The budget priority I consider most important for Del Val in the next year is our ability to balance state cuts while maintaining our outstanding programming,” DeFrancesco said.

DeFrancesco believes that these budget cuts are “unfortunate,” but the BOE has to deal with the cuts and adjust DVRHS’ programs. DeFrancesco would manage budget cuts by offsetting them with specific programs.

“My goal would be to continue using budget saving programs like shared services to offset the cuts,” DeFrancesco said.

Changes in the school go beyond budget cuts. DeFrancesco believes that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed education “in a number of ways.” She thinks that the pandemic has allowed for distance learning to “fully evolve” and that “learning has improved for everyone since the start of the crisis.”

“I think the pandemic has also taught us the value of in person education; who would have ever thought so many students would be longing to get back to a normal, live school life,” DeFrancesco said.

Regarding the introduction of new, innovative programs, DeFrancesco thinks that the “breadth” of Del Val clubs, athletics and arts is “unique.”

Del Val is a strong model for innovative teaching and learning, not only from a curricular aspect, but also from the extracurricular experiences offered here. I am so impressed with the emergence of the Academy programs over the last few years,” DeFrancesco said. “If we continue to invest in the Academies, along with all of our extracurricular programs, our students will continue to become more and more competitive.

DeFrancesco stated that the most important improvement that needs to be made to the school is maintaining small class sizes which allow students to “thrive.”

DeFrancesco said, “[Small class sizes] provide for more personalized and effective instruction and build strong teacher-student relationships. Our size also allows for a robust extracurricular program and students are thriving.”

DeFrancesco also believes that the role of arts and athletics plays an important role at Del Val.

“I consider our arts and athletics to be a top priority and will do everything I can to ensure that they continue to receive full Board support,” DeFrancesco said.

DeFrancesco stated that she feels what makes Del Val such a special community is “supporting all of our students first and foremost.”

DeFrancesco said, “It is imperative that we as a community listen to one another, stay apprised with relevant, factual information and support all of our students first and foremost.”

Concerning being “Future Ready,” DeFrancesco believes that Del Val is a “model” Future Ready school. She asserted that Del Val’s “adaptability” has played a key role during the pandemic.

Our curriculum and our outstanding faculty are constantly encouraging personalized and innovative digital learning opportunities for students. I believe this background sets our students up for a very successful future in their post-secondary careers and education,” DeFrancesco said.

DeFrancesco is “highly motivated” to run for the Board of Education because she has “25 years of experience as an educator and school leader.”

When referring to her experience, DeFrancesco said, “[Working in education] has allowed me to develop a thorough understanding of all the nuances that surround our schools and how best to address those needs with a mindset focused on what is best for students.”

If you agree with these ideas and wish to support this candidate, make sure to vote on Nov. 2.

Debora Frank: Kingwood

Debora Frank

Deborah Frank is a current BOE member who represents Kingwood Township.

Ms. Debora Frank is a current board member representing Kingwood Township, and she will be running for reelection on Nov. 2, 2021.

When it comes to “controversial issues” in the classroom, Frank said, “controversial topics usually arouse emotions and feelings, and that is why it is important to approach them with the least amount of bias as possible.”

“Some topics should never be considered controversial such as racism, sexism, LGBTQ rights and issues of inequity. These issues should be taught in a manner that allows students to examine the issue and develop critical thinking skills,” Frank said.

Meanwhile, topics like abortions, capital punishment, AI and healthcare can be defined as controversial, and students should be allowed to have their opinions acknowledged and well-respected. As a sitting BOE member, she plans on continuing to follow the BOE’s policies about teaching these issues.

“What one defines as a controversial issue is also relative to the time period and place where the topic is being discussed,” Frank said.

When considering budget priorities, Frank explains how important long term planning is. Budget priorities must be based on the mission and goals for the district. This practice will allow for superior extracurricular and educational opportunities.

Input from both the BOE and the superintendent helps balance out the educational programs with the district’s resources and budget.

“Not impacting students is the main goal in running a school,” Frank said.

Along with long-term planning, Ms. Frank believes that any budget cuts have to be data driven. By doing so, the BOE can ensure that academics and extracurricular activities are the last in line for cuts.

So far, Frank believes DVRHS has done a phenomenal job at managing non-teaching costs through service sharing. With the last large state budget cut fast approaching, managing these final reductions will allow DVRHS to find long lasting solutions for the school’s programs and models in the near future.

We may have to implement an activity fee, and we must better promote our Academies so that students stay in the district,” Frank said concerning following the data to make informed budgetary decisions.

As the COVID-19 pandemic still lingers, Frank reflects on how drastic the impact of virtual learning really was. From creative lesson planning to the utilization of new technologies, DVRHS developed critical teaching styles that should continue to be used.

Our top priority is always the health and safety of our students. We learned our students need to be in school,” Frank said.

Frank admits that students aren’t as engaged online as they are in a classroom, so the school should keep on providing more social and emotional support that students really need. Frank believes DVRHS’ staff went well above what was expected.

When it comes to new programs for DVRHS, Frank has three suggestions. Her main focus is on having a service learning program. An Ad Hoc committee investigated adding a service-learning graduation requirement in the 2019-2020 school year. As the pandemic hit in March 2020, this discussion went on hold; the idea is now making a comeback.

Teachers, board members and community members have joined the committee, and students can potentially put their input in as well.

“I believe volunteerism & community service are an important part of citizenship,” Frank said.

Frank would also like to see an Agriculture Academy and some more international exchange programs added to the school’s offerings.

As far as renovations go, Frank believes that the Media Center needs an update. There should be collaboration rooms, a coffee station, and a maker space area. Post COVID-19, students should relax after school or during lunch. Rather than just being used as a place to store books, the Media Center should be a place for discussions, homework and projects to be worked on in an “inviting and relaxing work space [that] promotes creativity,” Frank said.

Extracurricular activities also play a major role in a student’s education. Every student possesses different assets and strengths, and by having plenty of opportunities, DVRHS is able to meet the needs of the students.

The current BOE helped improve the clubs and sports by upgrading the auditorium, establishing a new weight room and starting the turf field project.

For a small school, I think we do a great job with our concerts, plays, art exhibits, Changing Perspectives and sport teams,” said Ms. Frank.

According to Frank, DVRHS’ smaller size, caring staff and robust educational program shape the way the community is connected. Since the community is so familiar with one another, students can get a more personalized education.

Frank believes that DVRHS should also continue striving to be “Future Ready” by setting the students up for success.

By being the first school in Hunterdon County to receive this title, “it means having our students prepared for a technology driven workforce,” Frank said.

Frank believes that the BOE can continue to improve the school by creating a robotics team and finishing the new media center, but the current curriculum must be robust and should always continue to be personalized for the best success.

Frank is motivated to continue serving on the BOE as she has been a board member since 2009 and has been a part of many of DVRHS’ innovations.

For example, as a BOE member, Frank helped approve the building of the new science labs, establishing concurrent enrollment programs, starting the iPad initiative, installing solar panels and starting many Academies.

Frank is seeking re-election because she would like to continue to help the students. She believes that, as a whole, the community should seek solutions to help the students have a great education. During her time, she has helped reach many student goals through Strategic Planning, Educational Planning and Long-Range Facility Planning.

“As a community, we need to listen to all our stakeholders. Schools are the backbone of our community, and we help to seed the solutions of tomorrow,” Frank said.

If you agree with these ideas and wish to support this candidate, make sure to vote on Nov. 2.

Jon Lyman: Alexandria

Jon Lyman

Jon Lyman is running for a seat on the Del Val BOE to represent Alexandria Township.

Dr. Jon Lyman is running for Alexandria’s Board of Education seat in the 2021 election on Nov 2.

Lyman believes there are many great topics for discussion in the classroom, some of which are controversial. 

“Topics that engender opportunities for discussion include the environment, social media, politics, technology, healthcare, financial matters, and history and its impact on the future,” Lyman said. 

 As a former history teacher, Lyman encourages students to hold viewpoints and to discuss them with their classmates.

 “Controversy itself is a prolonged, heated public discussion—in my opinion there is no place for heated conversations within the classroom.  Respectful and informed, yes—heated no,” Lyman said. 

When it comes to balancing a school budget, Lyman believes that the students and their needs must be prioritized.

“My top school budget priority is to maintain the services and supports that our students currently receive and increase them if at all possible,” said Lyman.

Over the past few years, it has not been a secret that budget cuts have been a long standing issue at Del Val. Cuts in services and to the staff, like the removal of the late bus after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, has had a lasting impact on the school.  Lyman is aware that tough budget decisions are still on the horizon as state budget cuts will continue to affect Del Val.

“Honestly, the budget is tight already, so if there are further reductions in the budget, along with rising costs, changes will need to be made,” Lyman said.

With the addition of COVID-19 protocols, these paired with budget cuts have made the past two school years very different.

“I think we found that there is no substitute for in-person learning in a high school setting,” Lyman said. “Based on a parent survey, a majority of parents sought to return to a full day experience for our students.”

During the 2020 school year, students missed out on many events and activities, including sports, the arts and Prom. Lyman is sympathetic to the struggles that students have had to overcome during the pandemic.

“Education at Del Val is not just preparation for college or work, but also fun.  It is sad that they missed out.  However, I believe we put the health of our students first by abiding the health regulations set by the state,” said Lyman.

Lyman also admits that the pandemic has changed education due to the use of online courses that offer students different benefits. 

“Education has changed forever because we learned that some students can benefit through the use of online courses where they learn at their own speed with the ability to go back, re-read, or skip sections already learned. Because of that, efficiency improved—the time needed to learn a concept improved for those students.  However, some students still require the structure of a classroom with feedback and support to maintain engagement,” Lyman said. 

This need for engagement also includes the learning that occurs outside of the classroom. Even with all the clubs and activities already offered, Lyman sees an opportunity for more offerings.

 “I would like to see a graduation requirement of volunteer community service,” Lyman said.

“For a new club, trending for a long time now is Geocaching.  Fun objects are hidden outside in plain sight with GPS coordinates that get you close.  Clues are provided to help you find the hidden object. Geocaching gets students outside. They learn map skills (longitude/latitude), how to pace a distance and orienting to points on a compass.” Lyman said. 

Dr. Lyman also believes there are still important improvements that can be made to the building. 

“Going forward, into the future I believe it will be important to strongly consider establishing a K-12 district that will unify our schools,” Lyman said. 

As a former member of his high school student council, an athlete, and later in life, a coach, Dr. Lyman knows the importance of school activities, including athletics and the arts. 

Lyman said, “It is an area with such a great, positive impact on the atmosphere of our learning community. Arts and athletics improve academics, give students opportunities to develop pride in their accomplishments and develop lifelong friendships.” 

Part of what makes Del Val’s community special is the community’s support of the students and their extracurricular activities. 

“Extracurricular activities and the hosting of community events and youth league games on our fields make our school the ‘center of town.’ It is a great place to spend extra time.  Just drive by Del Val after school and see how much is going on—it’s a lot and so good,” Lyman said.

Del Val prides itself on its “Future Ready” distinction, and to Dr. Lyman, this means preparing high school students for jobs that don’t exist yet.

“We are a service delivery-based economy.  This means that continued familiarity with digital means of education will be a lifelong need for our students when they enter the workforce,” Lyman said.

As a lifelong learner and strong supporter of public education, Lyman has spent much of his time at Del Val as one of the school’s psychologists and as a volunteer assistant coach for three sports over the past twelve years.. 

“I wish to continue volunteering to support the mission our board has as its goal: to engage and prepare our students through a broad range of dynamic opportunities, inspiring them to achieve their fullest potential, and graduate ready to embrace their future,” Lyman said. 

If you agree with these ideas and wish to support this candidate, make sure to vote on Nov. 2.

Patrick J. Mancini: Holland

Patrick Mancini is a current BOE member who represents Holland Township.

Patrick Mancini

Patrick Mancini is a current BOE member who represents Holland Township.

Patrick Mancini is a current DVRHS Board of Education representative for Holland Township, and he is running for reelection in 2021.

When it comes to education, Mancini admits that controversial issues can be complicated when it comes to teaching and learning in the classroom.

Controversial issues are defined in Del Val policy as a topic in which opposing points of view have been expressed and are likely to rouse support and opposition in the community,” Mancini said. “As a board member, I would rely on our existing policies when it comes to teaching and learning controversial issues within the classroom. These topics should be discussed in an open, thought-provoking manner absent of any personal bias.”

Mancini is also aware of the major impact that a school’s budget has on the education that a school can provide. When it comes to Mancini’s top school budget priorities, “[his] priority is to provide an expanding educational and extracurricular experience for all students.  Budgets should be created with the mission and vision of Del Val in mind.  In the current environment, budget cuts are the biggest concern, so the priority is maintaining and expanding current programs, teams, clubs, etc. without negatively impacting students.”

Another conflict that a BOE faces is managing budget cuts due to declines in state funding for DVRHS.

“As a sitting board member, I would rely on the recommendations of the superintendent and business administrator in order to achieve a balanced budget,” Mancini said. “When facing cuts, my goal, and the goal of the administration, is to present a balanced budget that has the least impact on students.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has also made a significant impact on education, and Mancini believes that the effects of the pandemic will be long-lasting.

Yes, the pandemic has changed education permanently.  Teachers and students demonstrated tremendous resiliency and resourcefulness with the use of technology and creative ways of teaching, but while the health and safety of our students is always the top priority, it is critical that kids are in school,” said Mancini.

However, Mancini also believes that Del Val’s pandemic response revealed benefits on the technological side of teaching and learning, as the school learned to utilize apps like Zoom to keep education going.

The curriculum is always changing at Del Val, and elements are being added and removed each year.  Mancini has one idea in particular that he would like to see added into the curriculum.

“Based on the board goals, I would like to see a service learning expectation added to the curriculum or graduation requirements. This would help provide students real workforce experience while providing a service to the community,” Mancini said.

Mancini also has goals for Del Val that go beyond the classroom.

“Del Val should provide the most attractive and conducive learning environment possible to attract our students and keep them all engaged in and out of the classroom.  That can come in the form of various facility improvements like an updated media center or new weight room.  The improvements should also be guided by the school’s long range planning documents, which are maintained and updated by the administration,” Mancini said.

Keeping these plans and documents up-to-date will continue to keep students engaged in school. Arts and athletics also play an important role in school spirit and keeping students interested.

“Having these teams and programs available help to round out the high school experience,” said Mancini. “Based on the percentage of students that participate in some type of extra-curricular at Del Val, it is critical that a proper amount of attention and resources are paid to each of these programs.”

Del Val has a friendly and respectful community that Mancini appreciates, especially as an alumnus of the school.  He believes that Del Val has a positive public image that he wishes to maintain, and even improve, over his next term.

“The people make Del Val and the community special.  As a coach in another district, the students of Del Val are the envy of many.  It is a family atmosphere where everyone is committed to the success of each other,” said Mancini.

Mancini has pride in Del Val and is looking forward to helping future students and the community that surrounds the school.  This can be accomplished by continuing to focus on the needs of the students and offering them the best opportunities and resources to be successful in life after high school.

“We have created a personalized student-centered learning environment based on digital learning strategies.  In order to become a ‘Future Ready’ school, you need to have an appropriate curriculum, proper use of space and a highly equipped infrastructure.  In order to continue living up to that title, we need to continue to invest back into the school and the facilities that support it.  We need to be on the cutting edge of technology and systems,” said Mancini.

Running for reelection was an easy decision for Mancini.

“I graduated from Del Val and have a great sense of pride in the school.  I am running for the BOE to help provide current and future students of Del Val at least an equally positive experience as I had as a student and an athlete.  I have been a long time volunteer in the community and want to see every student succeed,” Mancini said.

If you agree with these ideas and wish to support this candidate, make sure to vote on Nov. 2.

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About the Contributors
Photo of Sara Matthews
Sara Matthews, Editor-in-chief

Sara is a senior at Del Val who is involved in the National Honor Society, Key Club and Del Val cheerleading. Sara hopes to continue winning contests and...

Photo of Peyton Smith
Peyton Smith, The Delphi Staff

Peyton Smith is a junior at Del Val, and she is part of the school's softball team. This is her first year as part of The Delphi, and she is looking forward...

Photo of Amelia Mead
Amelia Mead, Editor

Amelia Mead is a senior at Del Val and this is her second year as a staff member of The Delphi. She enjoys working at Jimmy’s and watching soccer.

Photo of Joe Flynn
Joe Flynn, Sports Editor

Joe is a senior who is interested in sports. His favorite sport is baseball, and his second favorite sport is football. Joe joined The Delphi staff because...

Photo of Rebecca Matthews
Rebecca Matthews, Editor-in-Chief

Rebecca is a senior at Del Val. This is her third year writing for The Delphi, and this year she is an Editor-in-Chief. She cheers for World Cup Zenith,...

Photo of Molly Boetsch
Molly Boetsch, Editor-in-Chief

Molly Boetsch is a senior at Del Val, and she is very excited to be a part of the school’s newspaper this year. This is her third year taking a journalism...

Photo of Aiden Snyder
Aiden Snyder, The Delphi Editor

Aiden is a senior at Delaware Valley Regional High School, and this is his third year as part of the school's newspaper, The Delphi. He enjoys playing...

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