Avengers Endgame: What to expect
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The Avengers Cast 2010
April 13, 2019
Obviously, many great heroes were lost in Avengers: Infinity War, but Marvel fans should not get upset because they will be seen again. Some fan favorite heroes like Spider-Man, Groot, Bucky and Black Panther will make another appearance in Endgame, according to Marvel’s confirmed cast list. Marvel will also definitely be bringing in new heroes as seen in the Endgame trailer and on Marvel’s IMDB page. Heroes such as Ant-Man, The Wasp, Hawkeye and Captain Marvel were all present in either the trailer or the confirmed cast on IMBD.
As all true Marvel fans know, the six infinity stones make Thanos as powerful as he is. Clearly, these stones are what caused the Avengers to finally admit defeat, but these stones could also be the key to their victory in Endgame. Even though they do not have the stones in the palms of their hands, if they can get at least 1 important stone, specifically the time stone, they would gain a much larger chance in defeating Thanos. All they would have to do is reverse time and stop Thanos at the beginning of his quest. Fortunately for the fans, Marvel doesn’t like simple solutions to simple problems, so The Avengers will probably only use the time stone just to get the lost heroes back and take Thanos on in other ways.
New threats could possibly reintroduce The Fantastic Four. If you haven’t heard about the recent merger, Marvel bought the rights to parts of Fox, who produced the Fantastic Four film franchise. It is very likely that this group of heroes could be brought into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and be present in Endgame. With this being said, Galactus, a Fantastic Four threat, could be another villain other than Thanos. This could mean that Thanos could take the Avengers’ side and help them fight off Galactus in a mission to save the universe.