Monday Dec. 18 will begin Student Council’s “Holiday Spirit Week.” This upcoming spirit week will focus on the “holiday season.”
Student Council went through a process where they all came together to decide upon what themes the different days of the week would highlight.
According to co-advisor Mike Fortino, “all” of the themes for each day are picked by Student Council students. The student council members all focus on the question of, “Who has ideas for the holiday season?”
President of the Student Council, Lauren Bent, focuses planning for Spirit Week by asking questions, thinking the week through and delegating as needed. All of the ideas are then run by co-advisor Kari Gursky because she is “very smart and wise,” as Fortino told “The Delphi.”
Fortino said this spirit week was based off “what Student Council members liked in the past, what they currently researched, and what they ultimately compromised on.” Student Council had decided that Friday would be the best day for Pajama Day, the most popular theme during each spirit week, due to Friday being the last day before winter break.
“Ultimately, my favorite days during Spirit Week are any days I don’t have to wear a tie,” said Fortino. “For this upcoming week, I’m looking forward to Flannel Day.”