The Student News Site of Delaware Valley Regional High School

The Delphi

The Student News Site of Delaware Valley Regional High School

The Delphi

The Student News Site of Delaware Valley Regional High School

The Delphi


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Book Yappers: Why books are being banned

Ellie Lyons
Ella and Ellie discuss book banning with media specialist Tracy Miceli.

Join hosts Ella Genovese and Ellie Lyons, along with guest speaker Tracy Miceli, as they discuss the current book banning situation.

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About the Contributors
Ella Genovese
Ella Genovese, Assistant Sports Editor

Ella Genovese is a freshman at Del Val, and this is her first year writing for "The Delphi." She has also taken over the role of Assistant Sports Editor. Last year she attended Alexandria Middle School. Some sports that Ella enjoys are tennis and swimming. She also enjoys reading and writing during both school and her free time.

Ellie Lyons
Ellie Lyons, Assistant Opinion Editor
Ellie Lyons is a freshman at Del Val, and she is the Assistant Opinion Editor for "The Delphi." She enjoys reading and playing softball in her free time. Ellie hopes to join softball along with other clubs and sports in the future at Del Val. Before attending Del Val, she was a student at Alexandria Middle School.
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