The Student News Site of Delaware Valley Regional High School

The Delphi

The Student News Site of Delaware Valley Regional High School

The Delphi

The Student News Site of Delaware Valley Regional High School

The Delphi


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Where Does It Stem?: episode four

Is math an invention or a discovery?
Abby Eckert
Eckert and Negrin delve into the fundamentals of mathematics and are posed with a difficult question: what is math?

Join hosts Abby Eckert and Taylor Negrin as they discuss the lasting question of whether math is a discovery or an invention with Del Val math teacher Ryan Murphy. It isn’t just a black and white debate, and many tend to flip between sides. They discuss the different philosophical views of the argument dating back to as early as ancient Greece.

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About the Contributors
Abby Eckert
Abby Eckert, Assistant Multimedia Editor
Abby Eckert is a sophomore first-year reporter for "The Delphi." In her free time, she plays field hockey for Del Val. She likes to listen to music, spend time with friends and get crafty.
Taylor Negrin
Taylor Negrin, Reporter
Taylor is a sophomore first-year reporter for "The Delphi." In her free time she participates in Del Vals cross country, basketball and softball teams. During school, she part takes in the Computer Science Academy as well as the Engineering Academy. Taylor enjoys hanging out with her friends.
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