Prom season at Del Val is approaching, which means that prom dress shopping is in full swing. This can lead to tension between junior and senior girls trying not to buy the same dresses as one another, and girls checking their school’s prom dress Instagram page to see everyone’s.
Every year, a new Instagram account is made where people attending prom post their dresses to make sure no one else buys it. However, doing so can also ruin their prom experience.
Imagine trying on a dress that makes you feel like your best self, only to check online and see that someone else has already posted the same dress. It makes you not want to buy the dress, and, as a result, settle for a dress that you aren’t completely in love with.
Sometimes not buying your original pick for a dress can work out for the shopper. Someone could find another dress that steals the show and is the one. However, in many instances, that isn’t the case.
“It honestly depends on the person,” senior Adrianna Stem said. “If I buy a dress, and then after posting it, my friend buys the exact same dress, I’m going to be upset. However, if it’s someone who I’m not friends with, it won’t ruin my night. Having the same dress as another person should not ruin your prom night.”
Unless there’s a previous discussion before the purchase that they’ll be the same dresses, no good friend would buy the exact same dress as another in their group. Being upset over your friend having the same dress makes sense: who would be happy about that? A lot of the time, it’s people that you’re not really friends with that have the same dress as you.
“If you already picked your dress and then someone else gets it, why would it be an issue?,” junior Jordyn Zollinger said. “If you’re too different people, it’ll look different.”
Prom is one of the pinnacles of a high school student’s life. Not being able to get your dream dress because someone you’re not friends with has the same one, ruins the entire experience.
“I feel like it’s not a big deal because it’s just one night and a piece of clothing, so I could definitely get over it,” junior Marlena Vastola said.