Del Val history teacher, James Kluska, will be taking students on a trip through Greece and Italy in the summer of 2026. It will be a 12 day tour starting in Athens, Greece and ending in Taormina, Italy.
On June 29, the group will depart on a guided tour with overnight stays in hotels, and a full European breakfast and dinner will be provided daily; the travelers will return on July 10.
“A lot of the ancient landmarks [will be visited],” Kluska said. “We have the Acropolis, we have the Temple of Delphi, you have the Temple of Athena, the Temple of Zeus, Poseidon’s temple, there’s a ton of them.”
Kluska has hosted tours like this before, but the destinations have varied over the years.
Anyone’s allowed to attend: Del Val students, staff, family, siblings and parents.
Del Val gym teacher Matt Hagy accompanied Kluska on a past trip through Paris, Austria, Switzerland and Italy.
Hagy made memories through the trip; the amazing food and adventures with the group stuck out to him.
“My favorite memory was when we were rafting down some river in Austria, and the students decided to try to pull Mr. Kluska off the raft,…but Mr. Kluska was so big and strong he pulled those students off the raft first and they fell on [his raft],” Hagy said.
The widespread agreement is that the trip is a once in a lifetime experience.
Del Val senior, Sophie Bobrowski, went on Kluska’s trip in 2024. Bobrowski went for the opportunity to leave the United States and travel while in high school; she gained traveling experience and had fun with her fellow classmates.
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