Tech department adds a boost to its system
February 11, 2019
Mrs. Helmstetter, the new Technology Integrationist, comes to Del Val with hopes of helping the technology department and being welcomed into the classroom with open arms.
Mrs. Helmstetter started her career as a teacher in Clinton, teaching third, fourth, and fifth grade in the special education department. Even as a teacher at Clinton, Mrs. Helmstetter was the go-to teacher for any questions that her colleagues had about using technology in their classrooms. She later moved to Hopewell as the primary technician but wanted to do more than just fixing the school’s technology. Mrs. Helmstetter came to Del Val with an admiration for the school’s technology department and wants to make the use of technology more helpful for teachers in their classrooms. Mrs. Helmstetter talked about how she enjoys working with teachers to make them feel more comfortable in their classrooms by “working with them to understand the technology that was in their classrooms.” She is very excited to help teachers learn the best way to use technology in their classrooms. Being a teacher herself, she knows that every teacher has a different style of teaching, and Mrs. Helmstetter hopes that she can help make the integration of technology into the classroom easier for teachers and students alike.
While talking about her love of technology, Mrs. Helmstetter wants to ensure that anyone who enters the technology room’s door will be greeted with a smile. She wants everyone to know that the tech department is as friendly as the rest of the teachers at Del Val. Mrs. Helmstetter encourages everyone to “Say hi” as you pass her in the hallway. She wants teachers and students alike not to be afraid to go down to the tech office and ask questions; she assures that they are only there to help and judgement will not be passed on anyone for asking any type of technology-related question.
When Mrs. Helmstetter is not in the Del Val’s tech office, she considers herself a “home-body.” She
is a mother of four children: two girls, one boy and one dog. She looks forward to spending time with her family which is one of the reasons the Helmstetters moved to Hundenton County: to be closer to their extended family. Also, in her free time, Mrs. Helmstetter coaches softball in Doylestown for a team with kids that are 10 and under, where her daughters play. She plays on a softball team in Doylestown as well.
Mrs. Helmstetter hopes that she can help everyone who walks into the tech office this year, whether you are a student or a teacher. Just remender to “Say hi” when you pass her in the halls!