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Erin Dushinka races through freshman year

Meghan Dushinka
Erin Dushinka after finishing her first half marathon.

Freshman runner Erin Dushinka is one to look out for on the Del Val track and cross-country teams.

Dushinka began her running career in 3rd grade when she learned about the Girls on the Run program. However, the year she became eligible, her program didn’t have any coaches, so she and a group of girls began running together a couple of days a week.

In 5th grade, she focused more on the sport when she became old enough to run cross county for her elementary school, Holland Township. She was eager to join because it was the first school sport she was allowed to participate in.

“That’s when I got serious because I realized I was good and enjoyed it,” Dushinka said.

Since then, running has been a significant focus for Dushinka. In track, she typically runs the 1600m and 3200m and sometimes runs the 400m or 800m. Earlier this spring, she reached a major milestone by running her first half marathon, the Philly Love Run, for her 15th birthday.

“The goals and the dreams I have keep me going,” Dushinka said. “Races are really fun, so on hard training days, you just have to remember you’re doing it in order to have a good race.”

In the long run, she wants to qualify for the Meet of Champions by her senior year, and she hopes to run in college. However, in the short term, she has goals to beat her times and achieve new personal records.

“I just want to get as good as I can get,” Dushinka said.

When not running in her favorite pair of “Sauconies,” she plays the trumpet and is a part of Del Val’s Environmental Club.

Dushinka encourages anyone hoping to begin their running journey to do so.

“You don’t have to start big, just go on a run as much as you can,” Dushinka said. “You’ll really be amazed at what you can do if you just stay consistent.”

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About the Contributor
Emma Haig
Emma Haig, Social Media Editor

Emma Haig is a freshman at Del Val, and this is her first year writing for 'The Delphi". She plays volleyball for the school, as well as for CJVA. In her spare time, she enjoys rewatching "Modern Family", carrying her dog Stewie Bob on his ‘walks’ and spending time at LBI. Before she was a student at Del Val, she attended Kingwood Township School.

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