On Dec. 11, Del Val’s chapter of the National Honors Society (NHS) hosted their annual Holiday Tea as a way to give back to the faculty.
In the days and weeks before the event, NHS members gathered to discuss how to create the best possible event for the staff. Food, beverages and tableware were brought in by member donations.
Tables were set with decorative centerpieces and gingerbread house materials. A path towards the tea was created, lined with “snow” and ornaments.
The day of there was a plethora of food available: chips, cheese and crackers, fruit, sweets, hot chocolate, coffee and different flavors of tea.
NHS members stood behind the table of food to serve the staff members. Other members waited around the path or near tables greeting the faculty.
Students waited till all teachers were served before they indulged out of a sign of respect, but after that, everyone started to mingle.
The event was a great way to bring together NHS students and Del Val staff. NHS will be hosting Hoops for Hunger later this winter to fundraise for local food pantries. Keep an eye out for more information to do your part in helping the community.
On Dec. 11, Del Val’s National Honors Society (NHS) hosted their annual Holiday Tea in The Commons. This event is held after school with refreshments available to the staff.
Donations were supplied by NHS members and ShopRite. Crackers, cookies, chocolates, fruits, vegetables and other holiday treats were available to attendees. Drink wise, teachers were given the choice between coffee, tea or hot chocolate.
After school, teachers and administration began to make their way to The Commons. Students were present to greet them and welcome them down the “snow” path.
NHS advisors, Bessy Kapetanakis and Ashley Miranda, supervised the event. With NHS Secretary Lia McNamara leading the efforts, the event went off without a hitch. NHS events are largely student run to benefit the community.
Students served teachers food as they made their way down the line. It is a tradition for students to show their appreciation to teachers by assisting them at the tea.
The event was a great bonding experience for those involved. Business officer Karen Kilduff and hall monitor Val Bart display the close-knit atmosphere of Del Val’s staff.
The event didn’t just give back to teachers, however. It also allowed for students and staff to build connections. Activities, such as gingerbread house decorating, led to fond memories and lots of laughs.
The event was a great way to bring together NHS students and Del Val staff. NHS will be hosting Hoops for Hunger later this winter to fundraise for local food pantries. Keep an eye out for more information to do your part in helping the community.
On Dec. 11, Del Val’s National Honors Society (NHS) hosted their annual Holiday Tea in The Commons. This event is held after school with refreshments available to the staff.
This event united teachers and students alike. It allowed for teacher-student connections to strengthen. Events like this Things like this are important because when senior year comes along, those connections made with teachers can become college recommendation’s.
“It’s nice to get to know my teachers without the academic pressures,” junior Maggie Simpson, a member of NHS, said. “It reminds you that they’re real people too.”
Different groups of teachers and students sat at tables to create gingerbread houses together or just to eat and talk.
To end off the evening, NHS members cleaned up the decorations in The Commons. The event was a large success on all accounts.
“It was fabulous. Everybody was so courteous and kind, and it was so nice to see the staff kind of hangout with the kids on a different level,” hall monitor Val Bart said. “It was like a family atmosphere, and I really enjoyed it.”