On Wednesday, Jan. 8, the Del Val wrestling team will take on North Hunterdon at Del Val’s annual Gold Rush match.
The theme is “Gold” to represent Del Val’s school colors and spirit. This tradition was started by head coach Andy Fitz in 2008.
Claim a spot in the Hutch Gym as the Terriers will be announced starting at 6 p.m. The Dawg Pound will be out in full force for the most popular wrestling match of the season.
Tickets will be $3 for students, K-12, with proof of their student IDs. Adults will be charged $4 per ticket. Elderly guests enter for free.
Be sure to bring additional cash to buy food and drinks at the concession stand. As seen at past matches, food and drinks will be available for purchase upon entry.
A win over North Hunterdon could pave the way to ending the night with Del Val’s 867th win.
Check out the Dawg Pound Instagram page for information about when to meet in the Hutch.
Get ready to pack the pound in your gold apparel as we take on the North Hunterdon Lions.
Can’t make it to the match? Watch all of the action through Garden State High School Wrestling.
Spirits are high, and many alumni are expected to return to their roots to watch the Terriers compete in this year’s Gold Rush.