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The Student News Site of Delaware Valley Regional High School

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The Student News Site of Delaware Valley Regional High School

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College volleyball star faces trouble with law

Abbey Bivona
Murray’s actions are concerning, and the impact on her career are unknown.

Harper Murray, a freshman Nebraska Husker volleyball star, has found herself in some hot water recently.

On Friday, April 5, 19-year-old Murray was pulled over and arrested at 12:47 a.m. for breaking multiple traffic laws. Her blood alcohol content was then tested after being suspected of driving under the influence.

Her result came back with a blood alcohol content twice as high as the legal limit in Neb. She was also reported to have a fake ID and didn’t comply with the officers during the investigation. She was arrested and taken to a detox facility until she was able to be released.

On May 3, Murray was supposed to attend a court hearing but didn’t show up, which moved her hearing to June.

A few days after being released, a post on Facebook came out accusing the young star of stealing $70 worth of jewelry after completing a $350 purchase. Since the post, nothing official has been done, but there have been investigations occurring.

Murray was named the Big Ten Freshman of the Year in 2023 among other impressive awards, but both of these incidents have gotten Murray in serious trouble with the team and the University. Murray was suspended from upcoming spring games in addition to future consequences she will have to face.

Harper Murray recently released an apology to her Instagram story. She apologized for her actions and thanked for everyone who has supported her throughout her career.

It is still unsure how the university will respond to Murray’s actions, but many of her supporters believe that she will return to the court this fall.

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